You can play a KEY part in helping us become a strong and healthy church
Whether you are searching for answers, looking for a church family, or just visiting Glasgow, we would love you to join us any Sunday at 11:00am. We’re just a group of ordinary people seeking to live for Jesus and love others. Your presence would be a great encouragement to us, and we will do our best to make you feel welcome and to help / answer any questions in the best way that we can.
Every follower of Jesus is needed and called to pray that God will change lives and communities for his glory. We would love for you to pray for us and that God would use to see lives changed by Jesus in our local community around Darnley and beyond. Contact us if you would wish to be added to our prayer mailing list. If you have any needs we would also love to pray with you (and we believe that God loves to answer prayer). We have times for prayer ministry in church, or contact us and we would love to pray for you.
The bible tells every believer to support their local church financially as well as in regular attendance. This money goes to keep our church open and having a minister, to help us run outreach and to serve our local community, and to support the wider work of mission, so that people everywhere may hear about Jesus.
We are a small church family but God has given us a big vision for our community. Perhaps God is inviting you to share with us in financial support for mission around Darnley.
Contact finance@darnleychurch.com, if you would like more information or details of how to support us financially.
The Church works and grows best when every member has a part to play. God also asks some people to leave their home church and come and serve him in mission. Darnley, Glasgow and Scotland is a vast mission field and we need servants to come and help us.
Could God be calling you “to come over here and help us” (c.f. Acts 16:9)? Contact David for more information on short and longer term mission opportunities within the Darnley community.