What's On
We meet Sunday mornings
10:30 Prayertime
11:00 Our main service (including activities for kids and youth). The service will last just over an hour.
There is no specific dress code. We sing a number of songs together (mostly modern), pray, and there is also an all-age talk and a bible message.
Tea, coffee, chat, prayer ministry available afterwards
Sunday evenings at 7:00pm – At present, these are a mixture of in person and zoom services (please see our Facebook page or contact us for more information)
Discipleship and Prayer
Monday Nights – 7:00pm Prayer times. Bible studies.
Alpha course – The present course runs Sunday nights from 6:30pm-8:00pm.
Oasis Cafe
is open Thursday mornings from 10-12pm, and currently runs from September to March and is free to everyone. A donation tin is available for those who may wish.
Great fresh coffee and tea and something to nibble on. Come and chat, play board games, read a book.
Need someone to talk to, or pray with you? Also a quiet room available for prayer and reflection.
Other Activities
The halls are used by a number of different organisations within the community including:
Judo – Monday Evening
Scouts – Tuesday Evening [For details check 62nd Clyde (Darnley) Scout Group on Facebook]
Sewing and craft Group – Wednesday morning from 9:30am
Guides – Thursday Evening
Dance Classes – Friday Evening / Saturday morning